YAMOUSSOUKRO, COTE D’IVOIRE – A warm handshake sealed an agreement for the first office of AfriMed Network, Inc., a US-based nonprofit with a commitment to help Cote d’Ivoire improve its basic healthcare program. “We are one step closer to our goal of delivering quality basic healthcare to rural Cote d’Ivoire,” stated Raymond Koffi, Africa Chief of Operations for AfriMed Network.
“After much consideration, AfriMed Network decided that the best place to begin our outreach would be from Yamoussoukro, the political capital of Cote d’Ivoire. We have already begun discussions with many leaders in villages and in municipalities surrounding the Ivorian capital. The response has been so positive,” added Koffi.
“We want to serve as a coordinating partner to work with many NGOs that have been active for a long time, but sometimes lack the financial support and resources that we believe we can bring to the region. Our goal is to serve as a collaborative clearinghouse for these organizations and strengthen their work as well as accelerate the efforts to increase basic healthcare to so many that are lacking access to it,” concluded Koffi.
The first AfriMed Network field office is located at #3366B, Ilot, 220 Logements, in the N’Zuessy section of Yamoussoukro, about a 7-10 minute drive from the downtown district.
For more information contact:
Rod Fritz, Director of Media Relations